Grace-Filled Trees

As Fall approaches I contemplate the “lavish wastefulness of nature.”
Leaves fall everywhere as trees shed their dead leaves.

I notice, however, that dead leaves do not actually “fall” from dead branches.
Dead leaves remain attached to the branch, holding tight to that which is dead.

How like those dead branches I am as I cling to my old leaves……
Comfortable leaves of resentment, fear, anger, “busy-ness”, self-reliance and “outwardness”.

“Leaves of activity, but no fruit” Spirit said to me.

What is fruit anyway?
Fruit is the outward expression of the inward nature, a reflection of that which is in.

Pruning is required to bear more fruit, but before Spirit I would bargain.  “Not that leaf. It is my favorite!”

Spirit would answer, “Leaves of activity but no fruit.”

The Spirit of Creation unfolds, expands, and empowers me to shed my dead leaves.
Creation reminds me that dead leaves do not fall off dead trees.
Dead leaves “fall off” living trees.  They are pushed off by new growth.

How trusting those trees are.
They lose everything.
They stand naked and vulnerable.
Comfortable with their emptiness.
Trusting.   Letting Go.
Awaiting God’s refilling.
Awaiting God’s grace-filling.

© 2000 All Rights Reserved Jeanie Griffin, LPC, LMFT, LCDC, BRI II

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