There comes a time when a person knows that their use of substances is beyond their control and is negatively impacting...
RRRRecovery I have wanted to write an article about recovery for a long time. I finally set...
Nationally acclaimed speaker and trainer Kristina Padilla has released their first book which portrays a first-hand...
A client once said, addiction is like driving down the road in an SUV and every letter, parking ticket, summons, or...
For at least nine years our health Insurance providers have been saving money by incentivizing unqualified doctors to...
How very challenging it is to honor and respect the slow and steady growth of families who are working on recovery....
About the author: The focus for Gail Echeverria is primarily on education not just for the addicts, but their families...
Edward Hill PhD2, David M. Grey1,2, Matthew A. Torrington, MD2,3, Jonathan James2, Rich Deschaine1, Johnny...
Trauma can be described as an overwhelming event that provokes terror, fear for your life or the life of others. ...
While group counseling continues to be the most common and cost-effective way of treating addictive disorders, the...
Introduction While the public's attention has been occupied by Covid 19, another epidemic has been sweeping the...
By now, many have seen “coaches” appearing more commonly in the business , personal growth, and recovery...
The development of more consciousness, presence, awe and wonder in the world around us can often get lost. Our minds...
Improvisation is a tremendous tool for humanizing and enlivening depersonalized environments. Unfortunately, it is...
You are invited to view the documentary made with Fr. Greg Boyle and HomeBoy. HomeBoy is the largest gang abatement...
Bringing the unconscious to consciousness is the first part of consciously creating the life of your dreams. Conscious...
Self-care and stress management is even more necessary at this time. The pandemic has been with us for over a year and...
America is halfway through 2021 and the pandemic is finally beginning to wane. The substance use treatment ecosystem is...
Behind the Scenes with Reborn Director and KetaMD Co-Founder Zappy Zapolin My reputation as the “Psychedelic...
Are you someone who struggles to hear your intuition, and is worried that you are making it up? Or perhaps you wish you...
“Half measures availed us nothing…” Step 1: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had...
Gratitude may be one of the most talked-about spiritual principles there is, and many of us have learned that gratitude...
Hey, tell me the truth—how stressed have you felt this last year? I’m a toxicologist and stress management speaker...
We have had an unprecedented year. As the “pandemic persists, we are seeing the highest level of anxiety and...
It has been many years since I have addressed a subject that, in my opinion, has been a source of embarrassment to our...
"In every life, there comes some trouble; when you worry you make it double. Don't worry, be happy!” Bobby McFerrin,...
In Chinese Medicine, we have a wonderful saying: The Mind Leads the Qi. Qi (chee) is the energy or life force that...
Our work at the Kiloby Center for Recovery centers on an advanced mindfulness approach I developed called Natural...
If you're looking for happiness without sadness, health without disease, pleasure without pain and more, then you're...
Although I am a health attorney with a very active practice representing primarily addiction treatment and mental...
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” - Ralph Waldo...
Angels are powerful partners, especially during times of great change. But most people don’t know to call on their...
My Ibogaine Journey Began In January 2015 In Las Vegas, Nevada As I sat across from the three new members of the...
If you’re reading this, then congratulations because you survived 2020! Between the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, a...
Trauma, and let’s face it this past year has had some features of trauma, can cause us to lose a sense of context,...
Most of us have had a lot of time to re-imagine our lives. To successfully navigate our changing world brought on...
Avea Solutions, a revenue cycle management software provider, has expanded its leadership team to include the...
Playfulness in everyday life is the best way to live. When you are in joy and utter fun, you release all resistance and...
Point to Ponder: Relapse is a process, not an event. Recovery Wisdom: If you do what you’ve always done, you’re...
The stigma behind addiction can become all-consuming and ultimately impact a recovering individual’s ability to...
The disease of addiction is one that affects body, mind and spirit. Without addressing all three, the risk of relapse...
When talking about Substance Use Disorders or an addiction, people often assume that the words treatment and recovery...
With autumn coming to a close, the holidays are quickly approaching. This year the season is cloaked under the umbrella...
Self-regulation: A 'Handy' Way to Calmness and Connection” was first published on, an Online Journal...
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members experience depression at higher rates than civilian Canadians. Mental health...
When we have forgotten the truth of who and what we are, we are living unconsciously. Our thoughts and behaviors are...
Judgment can be seen as the opposite of love. When judgment is present, it cuts us off from love, or at the very least...
“They Keep Telling Me I’m Crazy: A Navy SEAL’s Desperate Search for Answers About His Own Brain Injury & His...
To unlearn our core false beliefs, to look inward at what is keeping us locked in unhealthy patterns, we need to create...
My meditation guide asks me to envision a happy place. I imagine tall ferns swaying in the wind and a cliff's edge that...
Covid-19 has brought a new set of parameters to us. With Self-isolation, no in-person support networks , living,...
We are biologically hardwired to connect with other people and go through life two by two, and culturally hardwired to...
How To Maintain Referral Relationships During COVID & Beyond Behavioral Health (BH) organizations across the US have...
Time to pick up your remote, find the Oxygen Channel and watch Season 2, Episode 5 of “License to Kill” (also...
Have you ever considered designing the energy field that you live and work within to uplift you and raise your...
Humans, as a species, are still learning, growing and evolving to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. If you...
In working with peak performing athletes I found that in preparing them for high pressure situations the more they...
Intense kids elicit negative attention. Full stop. It’s no one’s fault, it is just the reality. “Stop...
History is not meant to be rewritten or erased. It is yesterday. It is the past. We are to live in the present. ...
Great companies are defined by many things; their leadership, their ability to execute, and how they respond to...
To submit their profiles, events, articles on our website, To know about our all membership plans and features is a monthly online magazine for addictions professionals. We also offer marketing and event services.
Villareal & Associates
One Mirage Place, 69730 HWY 111
Suite 200, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270