By now, many have seen “coaches” appearing more commonly in the business , personal growth, and recovery communities. Many of these “coaches” are simply labeling themselves, and professional coaches make it clear what their responsibilities are to the client/ and what they are not.
Why a recovery coach?
* A Professional/Certified and trained coach ( will be experienced in sobriety )
* You may not survive another relapse
* Qualified for those with numerous treatments, or failure to launch
* Will help you write the history of your future
* Access to DISC ( behavioral analysis software) ** not all coaches are required/ nor need this
What is a coach?
Unlike a therapist, a coach moves forward, hand in hand with the client, to discover their strengths and passions. They will let the client lead the way, and ask questions, based on the answers. Unlike a sponsor, the coach is a business relationship, not a personal one, although complete transparency is key to this relationship. Some coaches will assist in a client’s quest for a sponsor. Studies have shown that no person achieves life at their true potential. A good coach will help to provide an environment conducive to their success. This unique relationship provides a safe and confidential for the client to discover their potential is not defined by past performance. In recovery, this means, just because they are a substance abuse client, or relapse client does not mean they do not have the potential to have a full and happy sober life. Repetition is found to be the sole way to successfully change bad habits and behavior. and clear the pathway for personal growth. A good coach provides that on both a conscious and subconscious level.
A good coach should be a good example. A good coach should have a coach themselves. Hardly congruent if the coach is not living their life to it’s fullest potential. Because a trained coach has better resources, the changes in behavior quickly achieve better results. The coach and the client with the most flexibility , will achieve the best results. There is no failure in a coach/client relationship, only feedback.
Remember the old saying, “ If you always do what you have always done, You will always get what you have always got!”
The ethical standards of a certified and licensed coach are clear:
The coach must provide a safe and trusting environment for the client. The coach must never be judge mental. The coach must be clear about the coaching/vs other therapies ( such as when a client is clearly mentally ill, or under the influence. On a personal note, I have helped many , many clients return to treatment, or see a therapist, or even a different coach if it is best for the client. All professional coaches carry Professional Indemnity Insurance ( yes, I do).
A Little About me
I am a licensed Substance Abuse Counselor ( formerly of The Betty Ford Center, and Hoag Hospital)
I am also a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer ( Master classes). I am certified in anxiety trauma, conflict resolution, lifecoaching, and CPR.
While in my former position of Director of Continuing Care, at Hoag Hospital, I became discouraged at the number of quickly returning “guests.” I began seriously coaching, and lecturing the clients on small things like “ make your doctor appointment now, as you will leave with a small supply, and when you are out, you may have to wait. I gathered information, so that when they lost their phone ( always happens), I could give them the number for their sponsor.
I was asked by so many to continue to see them after treatment, and knew it was my calling. I speak with families, help them to find resources, help to transport clients, and mostly help our clients in early sobriety to flourish, by discovering exactly who they are and what they really want out of life. Exploring the things they love, and the possibilities, along with the DISC assessment are the key to unlocking a world of forward momentum for most clients.
If you have any questions, or would like to speak about coaching, speaking, or holding a mastermind, I am Certified by the John Maxwell Team, and have many things that we may offer to you or your Clients.
Thank you!
Holly Chase
949-683-9002 ( under construction)