A client once said, addiction is like driving down the road in an SUV and every letter, parking ticket, summons,...
Four years ago I started to produce a feature documentary inspired by a meeting with Sheila Raye Charles the...
“Change and hope are possible with intergenerational activities. That has been a guide for me.” According...
“The secret to healing addiction is love. Love heals all,” says Reverend Dr. Kevin T. Coughlin....
“Our mission is to provide clarity on compliance and standards for the addiction treatment world. Confusion...
“Focusing on nutrition was one of the key LifeREstyle steps that helped me to put the jigsaw puzzle together,...
“I wasn’t really an artist,” says Joan Hangarter, D.C. “But now, I get the feeling of painting... and like...
West Jones happened upon the recovery industry only two years ago. While he is an expert when it comes to...
Agapi Stassinopoulos. This is a name that carries a powerful light of inspiration and unending optimism....
Herbert Kaighan, a 12-Step enthusiast and RecoveryView.com contributor, has been activating the spirit of recovery...
Jason Carney is a renowned slam poet who recently authored the book, Starve the Vulture. The beautiful and...
Dr. Stephen Sideroff has been an important part of the addiction treatment community since initiating a research...
Dr. Haroutunian, best known as “Dr. Harry,” has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. His inspirations...
If you want to be an interesting person, be interested in everything. If this is true, then Dr. Joe Terhaar may...
Sometimes you just need to get it all out. Sharing your experience and the emotions attached to it is not only...
Editor’s Note: While interviewing Dr. Mohammad, M.D., founder and Medical Director of Malibu Horizon, I found...
Arlene Rosen – 2013 Marty Mann Founders Award Recipient “The NCADD Marty Mann Founder’s Award was...
After numerous unsuccessful attempts to process a claim for a client through insurance – during which you’ve...
There is a term, “treatment-savvy”. It refers to the experience gained by people who have been through...
This week I’m at Valley Forge Medical Center and hospital in Norristown PA for an APM™ Center of Excellence...
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One Mirage Place, 69730 HWY 111
Suite 200, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270