Hopefully your rehabilitation program is operating within a framework that is: 1. Helping your patients identify...
“Christmas Present for Mom” All year long it’s business as usual. Mom works really hard to keep the balance and...
Where does addiction come from? The answer has deep implications for treatment, obviously. It\'s my belief that...
Herbert Kaighan, a 12-Step enthusiast and RecoveryView.com contributor, has been activating the spirit of recovery in...
“Try not to get caught up with the endless argument about whether alcoholism is a disease or a bad habit. If...
In January of this year, Johann Hari published an article that went viral: “The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been...
The Fact of Relapse According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, relapse rates for drug addiction are around an...
“The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step.” Lao Tzu Addict, from the Latin addicare: to...
Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public...
\"Do I have to have an open mind on this one?” He’s one of the brightest, emotionally intelligent men I know. ...
Recovery capital is a relatively new concept in the field of recovery. Let’s define this concept. Our recovery...
Our work at the Kiloby Center for Recovery centers on an advanced mindfulness approach I developed called Natural...
“We will develop and cultivate the liberation of mind by loving kindness, make it our vehicle, make it our basis,...
With the accessibility of digital tools for creativity and self-expression, the phenomenon of digital art has...
I will break my lifelong pattern of secrecy and silence. I will blow the whistle on denial. The denial network in...
Original post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nicole-kosanke-phd/substance-abuse_b_4899262.html When I tell people...
Those of us who work with clients suffering from eating disorders understand the complexity of this disorder. In the...
While most of us experience sex as a pleasurable experience with few negatie consequences, Sex Addicts are more...
In this article I want to discuss how our culture sets us up for becoming an addict. Before I do it’s important...
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Villareal & Associates
One Mirage Place, 69730 HWY 111
Suite 200, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270