Category : Letters From The Editor

Letter from the Editor - July 2024

Dear Friends and Colleagues, As we embark on the vibrant days of summer, RecoveryView is thrilled to present our 64th...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
02 Jul, 2024

Letter from the Editor - September 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In observance of National Recovery Awareness Month, we are delighted to unveil our special...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
04 Sep, 2023

Letter from the Editor August 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues, I'm excited to announce our next Recoveryview August Mini-Edition with guest Spotlight...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
25 Aug, 2022

Letter from the Editor June 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are back. I'm excited to introduce the first of our summer mini editions with my lifelong...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
20 Jun, 2022

Letter from the Editor March 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating Spring, RecoveryView is excited to announce our special 59th...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
01 Mar, 2022

Letter from the Editor September 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating Recovery Awareness Month, Recoveryview is excited to announce our...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
16 Sep, 2021

Letter from the Editor July 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating Summer, RecoveryView is excited to announce our special 57th...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
14 Jul, 2021

Letter from the Editor May 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of honoring National Mental Health Awareness Month, RecoveryView is excited to...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
10 May, 2021

Letter from the Editor March 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating Releasing Winter, RecoveryView is excited to announce our special...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
09 Mar, 2021

Letter from the Editor January 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating the New Year, RecoveryView is excited to announce our special...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
12 Jan, 2021

Letter from the Editor Nov/Dec 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and all the holy days,...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
10 Nov, 2020

Letter from the Editor September 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of National Recovery Awareness Month, RecoveryView is excited to announce our...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
11 Sep, 2020

Letter from the Editor July 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating Summer, RecoveryView is excited to announce our special 51st...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
09 Jul, 2020

Letter from the Editor June 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of Celebrating Life and New Beginnings, RecoveryView is excited to announce our...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
05 Jun, 2020

Letter from the Editor - May 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues, In the spirit of National Mental Health Awareness Month, RecoveryView is excited to announce...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
06 May, 2020

Letter from the Editor Recovery Month 2018

In the spirit of National Recovery Month, RecoveryView is proud to feature our annual  Recovery Edition! We are happy to...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
28 Sep, 2018

Letter from the Editor RecoveryView

The spring 2018 edition of RecoveryView has arrived! We are looking forward to exciting new beginnings in the addiction and...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
16 Mar, 2018

Letter from the Editor

Dear Friends, Welcome to the long awaited 2017-2018 Holiday Edition. We have had some changes at Recoveryview over the...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
21 Dec, 2017

Letter From The Editor

Dear Friends and Colleagues: The Southern California Desert has heated up for our sizzling summer edition of Recoveryview,...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
15 Jul, 2017

Letter From The Editor

Dear Friends and Colleagues:  All of us here at hope you had a lovely Easter and are enjoying the lovely...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
25 Apr, 2017

Letter From The Editor

Dear Friends and Colleagues:  We’re in the middle of winter in the desert and it’s been cold… 47 degrees cold....

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
26 Feb, 2017

Winter 2016

Dear Friends and Colleagues: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All! Winter is always such a joy here in Palm...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
19 Dec, 2016

Letter from the Editor

Dear Friends and Colleagues: Can you believe it\'s the end of September? Where has the year gone? I trust everybody had a...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
15 Aug, 2016

Happy Holidays & New Year!

Dear Friends and Colleagues: Holiday festivities are here and will be bringing heaps of happiness and joy. We are...

Josie Ramirez-Herndon
03 Jun, 2016

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