February 9-14 is Children of Alcoholics (COA) Week

COA Week is a campaign led by Nacoa (The National Association for Children of Alcoholics) to raise awareness of children affected by parental alcohol problems.

Imagine coming home from school and dreading what you might find. Imagine having no friends because you’re too embarrassed to bring them home in case Mum or Dad are drunk, or worse. Imagine living in a home full of fear and having no one to turn to because everyone denies there’s a problem.

Together we can increase awareness of this hidden problem and the support available. Click here to find out how you can help children of all ages know they are not alone.

Children of Alcoholics Week is celebrated internationally each year during the week in which Valentine’s Day falls. Click for details of the week in the USA and in Germany.

Contact us to be involved in COA Week in the future: www.coaweek.org.

Ways to Help

Ways we can help ourselves:
Living with alcoholism can be stressful. It is important to take care of yourself. Try not to bottle up your feelings. Sharing your feelings isn’t being disloyal to your family. It can help you to feel less alone.

Talk to someone you trust:
Call the Nacoa helpline 0800 358 3456 or email helpline@nacoa.org.uk
Talk to others in similar situations on a forum website called COAP
Keep a journal or write a letter which you can email to helpline@nacoa.org.uk
Try to keep doing things you enjoy. It can help you forget about the problems at home for a while.

Ways we can help others:
Be someone people can talk to. Simply listening does make a difference.
Add the COA Week signature to your outgoing emails, tweet about it or post it as your facebook status. COA Week 9-15 February 2014 – Raising awareness of children affected by parental alcohol problems www.coaweek.org.uk
Print and display the COA Week poster to raise awareness of the problem and sources of help available
Download the Nacoa single from iTunes, organise a fundraising event, e.g cake sale or make a donation to Nacoa
Consider volunteering
- For volunteering opportunities with Nacoa click here
- See do-it.org.uk for other volunteering opportunities in your area

Ways we can help in schools and colleges:
Throughout classrooms across the UK there will be children carrying the burden of someone else’s drinking. This week is an opportunity to learn more about the issue and ways you can provide support for these pupils.
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