Dear Friends and Colleagues:
We start with much gratitude and excitement over the successful launch of, the 1st Edition e-journal was sent to over 80,000 Healthcare Professionals. The comments from readers, authors, and members brought joy to the both of us. The responses/comments to our authors were excellent and thought-provoking. These responses and participation from you are going to make Recovery a vehicle for education and sharing new ideas.
The websites automated CE system has been fully “bug-tested” and is ready to go. Click on the “Online CE” link to take your tests and receive your CE certificates. We are continuing to add more content to the website. Join us and submit an article or blog as a member. Your View is important and will help our industry thrive.
On February 26th in Santa Monica CA we are having a launch party to celebrate. Dr. Terry Eagan will be speaking on his article “Compassion Fatigue” one CE is available. See the Event Calendar to download a flyer with the time and address.
Our mission remains the same. Bridging the Professional Community through education and networking to better the lives of those we touch. We thank and honor you for the work that that is so important.
Jim and Josie Herndon