Letter from the Editors – Seventh Edition

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Can you believe it has been one year since we produced the first edition of Recovery View?   It is with extreme gratitude that we now publish our seventh edition.  We thank every one of you for your membership, participation, networking, encouragement, content contributions and your friendship.

As holidays approach and the year winds to a close, we are called to go within and reflect. Our headline article, a beautifully written piece by Dr Terry Eagan calls us to do just that and see how dreams manifest.  He describes his “quest to lead a simpler life and the discovery of his greatest gifts in spite of the lesson learned that chastising and belittling oneself was the right way to change behaviors rather than fostering and nourishing the kernels of joy so far and few between”.

Our featured article by Jane Velez-Mitchell also reminds us of the benefits of self-reflection, as she relates her spiritual shift from “self obsession to a life that counts”.  By doing so she describes how her “increasingly used-up body is feeling less weighed down to this earth” as she “continues to lighten her load spiritually and psychologically.

Fall is transitioning into winter and winter invites us to get quiet, go dormant and hibernate for the purpose of rejuvenation.   We hope you find time to follow the example of nature and as our Executive Editor, Jeanie Griffin’s poem states, “shed your dead leaves” so the new has a place to enter.

Happy Holidays to you and all those you love.  Practice gratitude, reflection, kindness and gentleness with yourself and those about you.  May this season bring you love, joy, peace and harmony.

We will see you in the New Year with an expanding Recovery View!


Jim and Josie Herndon

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